Jaunmoku Castle Park

  • We speak: English, Russian, Latvian
  • Plenty of parking space for cars and buses.
  • Wheelchair friendly
  • Restroom available
  • Drinks and snacks available. Contact for more info.
  • Rain and sun shelter available
  • Pets are welcome
  • 30 rooms with total capacity for 75 people and 26 extra beds.

Jaunmokas is first mentioned in writing in documents from the middle of the 16th century. The manor experienced its most rapid development only later, and Jaunmokas Palace Park was established in the middle of the 19th century. Shortly afterwards, the manor complex was bought by George Armistead (1847–1912), then the City Councillor of Riga, who later became the most renowned Mayor of Riga. He built the present Jaunmokas Palace here in 1901 after a design by Wilhelm Bockslaff (1858–1945).

The park’s peaceful atmosphere and the shade it can provide in the summer heat have always been important features of the palace complex. Numerous exotic plant varieties were imported and introduced to Latvia when the manor prospered. Some of these plants successfully adapted to our cool and changeable weather conditions.

Although there is little written, or photographic evidence remaining of the park, it is possible that the oak and ash trees growing there bore witness to the construction of the reddish-brown castle. It is also possible that palace inhabitants in the first half of the 20th century enjoyed fruit from some of the park’s apple and sweet cherry trees, which continue to bloom and yield harvests still today. The lawns in the spring are still flecked with wild yellow tulips.

The centuries-old linden avenues take pride of place in the park. They hum with bees in mid-July, and on sunny days they are shrouded in the lindens’ intoxicatingly sweet smell.

Nowadays, rose beds bloom abundantly, vines stretch out their runners and fruit and berries ripen in the sun on the apple, pear, plum and cherry trees and berry bushes all around the palace. Clusters of medicinal plants give off a fragrant smell, and in spring the rhododendrons open their unique, bright flowers. Many people who are important in Latvian, or the palace’s history have planted bushes around the park as have newlyweds celebrating their wedding day at Jaunmokas.

Additional info

Jaunmoku Castle and its Forest Museum. Guided tours of the museum.

  • Style

    • Manor park

Visitor information

  • Tickets
    Free entrance.
  • Season
    Open all year round.
  • Opening hours
    Open every day from 9:00 to 17:00.

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