Teispere Farm Garden

  • We speak: English, German, Estonian
  • There is plenty of parking space.
  • Restroom available
  • Picnic/resting place(s) available
  • Advance booking required
  • Rain and sun shelter available
  • Children's playground available

The farm is active in numerous fields: ornamental gardening, farming, poultry farming, animals, rural tourism, family tourism and lifestyle living.

The ancestors of the current hostess Malle had been deported to Siberia and the farm had remained empty. In 42 years, the home was destroyed, with nothing but some old apple trees and the quarrystone from the foundation remained. The restoration of the farm started in 1989 when the pastured land was returned to the descendants of the owners.

The landscape architecture was done during the two land improvement projects in 1996 and 1998.

The landscaping of the garden was born out of the host and hostess’s interest in varied landscapes, different types of trees, shrubs and flowers. Many of the pyramidal and emerald thujas and flowers (mainly geraniums) have been grown by the host Aare on his own. There is a rose bed in the garden, as well as colourful deciduous and evergreen trees: red and yellow barberries, red hazelnut, red oak, Amur maple, etc.

What can be enjoyed at Teispere Farm?

The farm was opened for visitors on 1 May 2014 when the it attended the open days of rural tourism companies. Teispere Farm has attended the Open Farm Day since 2015. Kindly book a visit in advance so that the hostess Malle can show you:

  • the animals and birds at the farm: chicken, roosters, ducks, geese, pigeons and pheasants; rabbits, Kihnu native sheep and a raccoon,
  • what the animals and birds eat,
  • bird eggs,
  • farmyard (island, mountain path, forest path, cellar hill).

The visitors can have a picnic in the garden house or the yard.

The beautiful farm also has an exciting playground for children. The nearly two-hectare yard features winding streams and a pond with a small island in the middle, a hill path, a forest path and hills and mounds. Running games can be played with children groups on the sports ground, or Teispere Farm’s own board game or noughts and crosses played, disc golf or bird-feather precision throwing practised and recycled materials used for DIY (branches, fabrics, feathers, etc.). The children can take their creative works home.

Teispere Farm’s own board game is available to purchase, as well as art and crafts made by the family, e.g. feather accessories, paintings, gloves, hats and knitting books.

What the visitors have experienced and said

Over the years, hundreds of people have visited the farm, enjoying the nature, the peace and quiet and the beauty of the garden. Children are always happy to pat and feed the rabbits and the sheep, and excited to see the raccoon, exotic in Estonia.

Visitors are wondering about the following:

  • How do you trim and maintain the large spruce hedges?
  • How long does it take to mow the grounds that look like golf courses?
  • How did the raccoon end up in the farm?
  • How many people are working here?
  • Why is there water constantly flowing into the Artesian well?
  • How were the island and the hills and mounds formed?

Additional info

Farm has a little zoo where you can see and feed birds and animals.

How to get here? Teispere Farm is located about 20 kilometres from Pärnu. Come by car or take a bus.

  • Theme

    • Woodland garden
    • Perennial garden
  • Style

    • Cottage garden

Visitor information

  • Tickets
    Individual guests: 3 EUR.
    Under 2 years: free of charge.
    Group leader: free of charge.
    Guided tour: on agreement.
  • Season
    The garden is open all year round.
  • Opening hours
    Open by prior agreement.
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